Del News

Grade 8 students Ethan F., Madeleine M-S., and Nicole N., along with Ms. Smith participated in the Future Prize Competition at UCC in February. They tested their collaboration, critical thinking, and communication skills in a day of inquiry-based case study activities

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Thank you to the DEL staff, students, and family community for coming together during our Food Drive and Out of the Cold fundraising events. The response was overwhelming, and both organizations were extremely happy with our efforts and donations. A special thanks to all those who worked with the Lasallian Youth team to make this all happen with the community service assistance of our grade 7 students.

Read More about Food and Toiletry Drives a Success

In his address this morning, Mr. Voutsinos expresses his gratitude to the students for their hard work and dedication, highlighting achievements and activities throughout the year. He emphasizes focusing on the process over results and encourages continued positive contributions to the school environment. Additionally, Mr. Voutsinos underscores the significance of being part of the larger Lasallian organization, providing insight into its global impact and reminding students of their special community.

Read More about Mr. Voutsinos Celebrates the Hard Work and Achievements of Students so far this year