Flex Mod
What does Flex Mod mean?
Flexible Modular Scheduling, also called Flex Mod, is a philosophy built around the idea that instruction and learning can be best accomplished by adjusting class times and structure to meet particular instructional goals.
Why did we switch to Flex Mod and away from a more traditional schedule?
We are confident this model more closely resembles the course schedule that our students will encounter at the university level and that this prepares them both conceptually and practically for that transition more effectively than traditional models. It also invites our teachers to make more specific decisions about how much time they need to teach and deliver their materials, as compared to working within more rigidly structured environments.
Our goal in introducing Flexible Modular Scheduling (Flex Mod) at the College is to enhance our students' preparation for life, work and service to society and the apostolic mission of the Church through an added sense of independence in their studies.
Mr. John Voutsinos- Principal
Explaining Flex Mod
The best way to understand Flex Mod is to think of it as a way to better individualize a student's academic schedule. Instead of the traditional strict schedules that are in many ways a one size fits all ideology, our system provides students with the most opportunities to maximize their time throughout the course of a day.
If one student needs extra help, instead of only being able to seek help before or after school, there's time throughout their day. Meanwhile, that student's friend group may include an artist, musician and even athlete who all have obviously different needs but have one thing in common: they need time. Our schedule provides all four of those students the chance to meet their needs.
Here's how it works:
Why it's an advantage
- Depending on the course, a combination of class phases will be utilized to deliver the curriculum
- The differing class sizes allow for course time to be maximized to specific needs
- Students learn how to value and maximize time in a controlled environment, giving them a foundation for success
- This model more closely resembles the course schedule that our students will encounter at the university level and that this prepares them both conceptually and practically for that transition
- While each class size plays an essential role in our instructional program, small groups are considered the cornerstone of Flex Mod. These small classes generally made up of 10 - 16 students, promote strong rapport between teachers and their pupils and provide a forum for meaningful discussions. In a Discussion Group, every student is considered a needed and valued contributor in the entire class's learning process