Advanced Placement
As part of De La Salle’s commitment to a balanced liberal arts program, the College offers many College Board approved, Advanced Placement (AP) courses. AP participation offers a unique learning experience with a connection to post-secondary success. The AP Program enriches and encourages critical thinking, promotes creative thought, and fine-tunes analytical skills while stretching students' reasoning ability.
Students in Grades Eleven and Twelve are eligible to enroll in an AP course upon recommendation of the Student Services Department and the approval of the principal. Students must have the appropriate prerequisites and have achieved a minimum average of 80% while maintaining a minimum mark of 80% in the subject area.
The Advanced Placement Program offers 33 university-level courses and exams, in multiple disciplines designed for highly motivated students at De La Salle College. Courses are designed by current AP teachers in conjunction with members of college faculties. Members of these Development Committees are appointed by the College Board and serve for overlapping terms of up to four years.
In recent years, students at De La Salle have completed AP exams in the following courses:
- AP Statistics
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP English Language & Composition
- AP French Language & Culture
- AP Human Geography
- AP Biology
- AP Studio Art: Drawing
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Chemistry
- AP Computer Science A
- AP European History
- AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
AP Physics 1
AP Seminar
- AP English Literature & Composition
- AP Japanese
- AP Psychology
- AP World History
- AP United States History
- AP Research
- AP Capstone